The original cadastral maps of Taiwan Area were blown during World War II, the cadastral maps presently used by Land Offices are mainly copies drawn according to the originals during the Japans Occupation period, which have been used for over 90 years, the paper has shrunk, damaged due to aging, many areas can hardly be used any more, moreover, in recently 20 years, economy has developed rapidly, with the development of urban construction and frequent division of lot, lot segmentation has been more and more detailed, which has resulted in changes of natural landforms, manual changes of addresses has made the situation of lots utilization different from the records of the cadastral maps; Besides, the technologies and instruments at the time of surveying of the original map were limited, therefore, errors could not be avoided, moreover, the scale of the map was too small and the precision was insufficient, each time of survey would lead to different results, the situation cannot meet the requirements of high-precision cadastral surveying, therefore, in order to create new results of cadastral surveying so as to practically adjust the cadastre, ensure the people’s legal properties and assort with various requirements in future economic construction, the government would carry out resurvey of cadastral maps and calculate the acreages of the lots with latest surveying instruments, high technologies methods so as to make the location, shape, lot number, acreage etc. of land blocks in accordance with the contents in the cadastral maps and registration books.