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  • Supplied Item:

    1. Topographic maps with scale 1:5,000 and 10,000. ( the maps of scale 10,000 are produced before 1983)

    Ortho-photo Base Map with 1:5,000

    2. Small-to-midium scale topographic maps of scale 1:25,000, 1:50,000 and 1:100,000

    • * 1:100,000
    • * 1:50,000
    • * 1:25,000

    3. Satellite image topographic map of scale 1:50,000

    • * Satellite image topographic map
    • * Satellite image map (without contour lines)

    4. Taiwan topographic map of scale 1:400,000

  • Contents: Basic topographic maps data include 1:5,000 topographic map and the generalization products. The 1:5,000 scaled topographic maps are produced by photogrammetric method and field survey. The kinds of generalization products are topographic maps at scales of 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 and 1:400,000.
Supplied Item information
Item Scale Data Format
of Soft Copy
Soft Copy Price
(per frame)
Hard Copy Price
(per frame)
Topographic Map
(Vector files, without aerial image)
5,000 DXF, DWG or SHP NT$150
Topographic Map
(Files for output, using aerial image as base map)
5,000 JPG NT$1,200 NT$300
Small-to-midium Scale Topographic Map
(Vector files)
DWG (before 2018)
SHP (since 2018)
(open data)
Small-to-midium Scale Topographic Map
(Files for output)
JPG NT$300 NT$300
Satellite Image Topographic Map
(with or without contour lines)
1:50,000 NT$300
Taiwan Topographic Map 1:400,000 NT$250