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The original cadastral maps in the most of Taiwan were mapped during Japanese Occupation Period. Some cadastral lines had been found not consistent with current status due to shrinkage or extension or damage of paper map, frequent land division, natural terrain variation, and artificial boundary changes. Inconsistency might also be the compound results of interweaving of the above factors. For thorough clarification of cadastre, cadastral map correction surveys were conducted during 1956~1972. A pilot plan of cadastral map resurvey was conducted during 1973~1975. In 1975, the Ministry of the Interior amended the “Land Act” and the “Regulations Governing the Implementation of Cadastral Survey” with addition of regulations related to cadastral map resurvey as the legal basis for the cadastral map resurvey. Starting from 1976, the cadastral map resurvey projects were implemented yearly among areas with severely damaged cadastral maps, while urban planning areas were those to be implemented with the priority. The projects of various phases are as shown in the table below:.

Project title Duration Parcels
of project
Total area
of project
3-phase 13-year Cadastral Resurvey Plan 1976-1988 2.372 million 146,597 hectares Phase 1 lasted for 5 years, Phase 2 and 3 3 lasted for 4 years.
1989 Annual Plan 1989 125,000 7,500
1 phases for 1 years.
Follow-up Plan for Cadastral Resurvey of Taiwan Province 1990-2005 3.143 million 286,602 hectares 2 phases. Phase 1 lasted for 4 years, Phase 2 lasted for 5 years.
Cadastral Resurvey Plan 2006-2014 1.846 million 167,000 hectares 2 phases. Phase 1 lasted for 4 years, Phase 2 lasted for 5 years.
Follow-up Plan for Cadastral Resurvey 2015-2022 1.275 million 208,600 hectares 2 phases. Phase 1 lasted for 4 years, and Phase 2 lasted for 4 years.
Continuation Plan for Cadastral Resurvey 2023-2030


185,124 hectares 1 phases for 9 years.


Operation Procedure of Cadastral Map Resurvey

Operation Procedure of Cadastral Map Resurvey